Friday, April 10, 2015

National Beer Day!

I'll go ahead and kick this blog off with a recent holiday this past week.  April 7 is celebrated as National Beer Day in America every year.  Why you ask?  Because back on January 17, 1920 the 18th Amendment took effect, prohibiting alcoholic beverages in the United States and making it illegal to produce, transport, or sell alcohol.  On April 7, 1933 the Cullen-Harrison Act was passed, allowing people to buy, sell and drink beer for the first time in 13 years as long as it was below 4.05% abv. Thus the unofficial holiday of National Beer Day has been celebrated since.

It wasn't until December 5, 1933 that the 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment and allowed the production, transport, and sales of alcohol.  This Amendment is the only amendment to repeal another.  December 5th is also known as "Repeal Day" and also celebrated among craft drink producers from distillers, to brewers, to wine makers.

I don't need a Holiday to celebrate Beer Day, because to me, everyday is beer day.  There is rarely a day that goes by that I don't enjoy a deliciously crafted beverage.  Craft Beer has so many flavors and profile ranges that it takes a large document to cover them all.  Because of this there is always a style or beer to fit the occasion or mood I am in, and I've even found beers for non-beer drinkers to drink.

A lot of what I do and enjoy revolves around craft beer.  Anywhere from exploring new beers and styles, to attending beer events such as tastings, classes, and festivals, I enjoy all aspects of the craft and sharing it with others.  This blog will be chronicle my adventures, beer trips, tastings, and anything else beer and shenanigans I get involved in.  So grab a beer and join along.  Cheers!

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